Thursday, April 26, 2012

Following Instructions

The primary purpose of this blog is to inform other MS'ers of the specifics related to HSCT for the cessation of disease progression.  However, keeping family and friends apprised of my condition and progress is also very important to Bea and I. 

One suggestion applicable to all readers of this blog is to always follow instructions from trained professionals.  When a medical team advises you that a certain treatment, in this case Cytoxan chemotherapy, may cause some how shall I say "internal clogging", it's not adviseable to eat bananas, chunk Parmesano Reggiano and left over famous Chicago's stuffed pizza as I did Tuesday evening...

Let's just say yesterday's plan to "see more of this beautiful city" as I predicted in an earlier post was temporarily postponed until systems returned to normal.  Holy prune juice Batman!!!

On a more serious note, although that was very serious... I'm feeling ok.  Bea and I went for a short walk this morning to the supermarket more for excercise than groceries but we accomplished both.  I'm definitely running on low energy but overall feeling good. 

We're leaving soon to the hospital for more blood work and a "vein check" to make sure the Vas Catheter they will put in my neck down close to my heart to filter my stem cells next week will fit??  Not sure what this will include but I'm sure it will be fine. 

After those appointments we're heading to the Adler Planetarium for an afternoon showing of some cosmos searching, life beyond earth stars show.  Tonight we will head out to Jakes to watch game 7 of my NY Rangers first round playoff series. 

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